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Pappu Garelu


MoongDal(PesaraPappu) ---2 Cups
Onions --- 2 Large(Finely Chopped)
ChanaDal(Senaga Pappu) ---1/2 Cup
CurryLeaves --- 1 Leaflet
Spinach(Palak) --- 7-8 Leaves(Optional)
GreenChilies --- 5-6
RedChilliPowder --- 1 TbSp
Salt --- Approx 1 Tbsp( as desired by you)

Preparation Method:

*Soak Moong Dal and ChanaDal for about 3-4 hours.
*Grind the moong dal.Add all other ingredients to the grinded moong dal in a wide bowl.
*Make small balls from the above mix.
*Place these onto a wet cloth on a flat surface and press the balls slightly with hand.
*Pour sufficient oil in a hallow pan, such that the pressed balls can be immersed in it.
*Heat the pan with oil sufficiently.
*Put each of the pressed ball into the pan, and fry them until they turn into golden brown.
*During this frying process, make sure your turn the pressed flattend balls both sides.
*Serve them hot with any combination of chutney you desire.


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